Monday, October 13, 2014

Tutorial: High level overview of entity statuses in the new Warehouse management solution

I’ve seen a number of questions on the community and yammer groups asking about the statuses for Loads, Work, etc, where people were not sure what that means. I dug up this document with a brief description of all the possible statuses for Loads, shipments, Waves and Work in the new solution.
Hope you guys find it helpful, as I did at some point.
  • Open: Load has been created, but no other warehousing processes have been executed on the load. Some or all load lines are not part of a shipment.
  • Posted: Load has been released to warehouse; related load lines have been assigned to shipments. These shipments may or may not be on a wave. If on a wave, the wave has not been executed.
  • Waved: Shipments tied to the load have been assigned to a wave, and the wave was executed. Any work that was created through the waving process has not been started.
  • In Process: Work tied to the load has started being executed, but does not meet the qualifications for an “In Packing” or “Loaded” status (see below).
  • In Packing: Work has been created for the entire quantity of load lines. All work has been put down to the manual pack station.
  • Loaded: Work has been created for the entire quantity of load lines. If not using a packing flow, all work has been put to a final shipping “baydoor” location. If using packing, all containers have been closed (All quantity tied to the load is picked against the appropriate sales/transfer orders).
  • Shipped: Load has been ship confirmed.
  • Received: For inbound loads, product receipt has been run for all quantity tied to the load.
Shipment (similar to load)
  • Open: Shipment has been created, but no other warehousing processes have been executed on the shipment.
  • Waved: Shipment has been assigned to a wave, and the wave has been executed. Any work that was created through the waving process has not been started.
  • In Process: Work tied to the shipment has started being executed, but does not meet the qualifications for an “In Packing” or “Loaded” status (see below).
  • In Packing: Work has been created for the entire quantity of load lines associated with shipment. All work has been put down to the manual pack station.
  • Loaded: Work has been created for the entire quantity of load lines associated with shipment. If not using a packing flow, all work has been put to a “baydoor” location. If using packing, all containers have been closed (All quantity tied to the load is picked against the appropriate sales/transfer orders).
  • Shipped: Shipment has been ship confirmed.
  • Received: For inbound shipments, product receipt has been run for all quantity tied to the shipment.
  • Created: Wave has been created. The wave may or may not have shipments assigned to it, but it has not yet been executed.
  • Executing: The wave is in the process of being executed. (Useful status for long running waves)
  • Held: The wave has finished executing, but has yet to be released. Any work that was created during the execution process is frozen, preventing it from being started until the wave is released.
  • Released: Wave has been released. Any work tied to the wave is unfrozen and able to be executed.
  • Picked: All work tied to a wave has been completed.
Work (Applies to both work header records and work detail lines)
  • Open: Work or work line has been created, but not started by a worker.
  • In Process: Worker has started work or work line, but not completed either.
  • Pending Review: Specific to cycle count work header only. Occurs when worker counts incorrect quantity or dimensions, but does not have the rights to automatically adjust inventory.
  • Skipped: Applies to work lines only. Status is applied for non-mandatory work lines when 'Skip non-mandatory work' option is used for a selected load/shipment.
  • Closed: Work or work line has been completed.
  • Cancelled: Work or work line has been cancelled.
  • Combined: Applies to work header only. Occurs when executing the “Pick & Pack” RF flow which combines multiple work units into a single one.